Supremacy Of Christianity Research Paper

Words: 713
Pages: 3

More Than Picking Sides, Supremacy of Christianity is Real

A friend asked me a question many years ago that I was not really equipped to answer at the time: “How do we know who’s right?”
Our discussion was about capitalism, communism and socialism or more specifically the United States and the former Soviet Union. We both held the same view, capitalism and the United States were supreme. However, my friend’s question caused us both to search for valid reasoning for our conviction beyond textbook definitions and loyalty to our home country.
My answer to his question was not convincing to him or me either. “We just do,” I responded. Seeing a look of “you’ve got to have something better than that” on his face I added, “Sometimes you just have
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While early in my walk with Jesus the supremacy of Christianity was mainly a presupposition supported by beginning faith, today my faith is bolstered by experiences which give me proof of the realities of a Christian worldview as well as knowledge obtained by examining differences between Christianity and other faiths. For this paper, to support the Christian supremacy thesis I will compare a major key difference from Christianity with Islam and Judaism – …show more content…
In my view this in itself elevates Christianity above Islam. Christians have complete assurance of salvation through Jesus. Throughout the New Testament we find assurances such as Romans 10:13 which says, “whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Judaism’s View of Salvation While Christians believe we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, Jews’ belief concerning the way to salvation is summed up as good works, prayers and the grace of God. The Christian view of substitutionary atonement is not paralleled.
Basic Beliefs of Judaism, an article by Zucheran found on the website, makes a definitive statement on this matter that clearly distinguishes Judaism from Christianity. “Jews do not feel they need ‘salvation’ but assume a standing with God through their heritage.” Yet there is much emphasis on doing good works in practicing Jews’ lives to please God. As with Islam there is inconsistency and uncertainty concerning salvation.
If nothing else this brief examination highlights two major deficiencies of Islam and Judaism – inconsistency and uncertainty. Compared to Christianity where there is no doubt when it comes to salvation, these two weaknesses are the beginnings of what cause me to elevate Christianity above the other