Here’s an example of courage in the passage. “Ava,” Jacob called again, pretending to be worried. “Are you dead?” At that, the rest of the team sobbed and shed fake tears for my fake death. “No,” I called back over their sobs. “No, I’m not dead.” My face turned red as I realized I had just given Jacob the satisfaction of responding to him. “Shucks,” said a voice different than Jacob’s. “I thought we’d be lucky.” “Wow, she’s tough,” laughed Jacob sarcastically. I almost yelled at them. Ava had the courage not to yell at the boys this is also courage because the boys and the coach always pick on her but she keeps coming back to the track. This is because that’s something that she loves to do. Here’s another example of courage in the passage, I felt horrible lying to her, but I couldn’t let her know the truth. This was my problem, and it could only be solved by me. This is courage because she lied to her mom instead of telling her the truth. Ava really should’ve had the courage to tell her mom the truth instead of having the courage to lie to her mom. When people lie to their parents the parents eventually find out, but not in this