Feedback: Candace Yun
Journal 4: Remaking the Way We Make Things & Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
The article Remaking the Way We Make Things emphasize on the idea of having an alternate concept of maintaining the sustainability, because the author challenged the idea of eco-efficient such that it is not the best idea to have everything eco –efficient because it’s not sufficient. The root of the problem comes from the idea of side effects of the product, meaning the company believes that they are damaging the environment by the excess chemicals that are produces while making the product. So they would make minimize the waste as well as the toxic materials. However, the article contests that the root of the problem is actually the product itself, because it is made out of harmful chemicals that we interact in daily life. I believe that this is true because it is the product that we should really worry about because the excess waste and chemicals are the outcome of creaking that certain products, however, I wasn’t that convinced that eco-efficient was not the best solution to the foundation of sustainability. But I was convinced when the article introduced the idea of cradle to cradle paradigm, which was the new way that companies can create a new nutrient from their waste, a process known as the Life Cycle Development. I was shocked to discover this process because I think this can attack the foundation of the problem,