- No I do not think she should’ve been on the adult list for a transplant because the age to get on that list is 12 and she is 10. What about all the other 10 year olds that need transplants and cant get on the list how is she any more special than them? I think she should’ve stayed on the children’s where she belongs so it is fair for everyone and not just catering to her.
How do I feel about the people on the adult list that were before her and now they are after her?
I feel that she shouldn’t be there in the first place and basically the board is telling the other thousands of human beings in line that she is more important and she gets to cut in front. I also think they should sue because they were giving that spot and the board changed the law when they were already a part of it and placed in line for that lung. Also hundreds of people can die because that one girl messed up the cycle of when and who were getting their lung.
If the decision was mine to put the little girl on the adult list what would I do?
I would not let her on the adult list I don’t care about her social status with others and in the community it’s not fair to give her special care just for that. There are plenty of children that have died because they couldn’t get a organ and did not get the opportunity or no one thought to mention to put them on the adult list so I’m not saying I want the girl to die but I would keep it fair for everyone.
Should the family’s of the children not able to get on the adult list have the right to sue
I think they should be able to