The chineses medical book is very detailed about the on-going uses of massage techniques for therapeutic purposes. There has been romers that the people believe the therapeutic touch began a lot earlier. Sooner the massages then began envolving science though the continued use in Traditional Chineses Medicine also known as "TCM". Also as well in India, there was Hindu texts which include massages in their gudielines for hygiene and as well as wellbeing and futhermore the Egyptian tombs where found with evidence that shown that massages where very important in their …show more content…
It is believed that the divine origin and passed down orally through generations, the traditional holistic medial system in India is named Ayurveda. It has been said that the Ayurvedic had very detailed textes, prinicples and practices were written in the space of 1500 and 500 BCE. From theses textes the Ayurveda was mostly adopted thoughout in India and Southeast Asia. Ayurveda looked at that individuals which incur with any type of illness or diseases when they live out of harmony with their enviroment. Not to mention they would inform to treat each individuals conditions by them restoring their natural mental and physical balance by reestablishing harmony from theremseleves and the enviroment around them. At which this point, this means they can begin to heal naturally. Depending on the indiviual health imbalances, constituion and also the time of year as well Ayurveda would advise you to use the five sense to contract with the enviroment to help create balance. The treatments that would be involved in this would include diet and herbalism, aromatherapy, colour therapy, sound therapy and touch