Once Anna May arrived at the motel, she found a nearby meeting in Goderich for people who struggled with addictions and …show more content…
At first, she didn’t really grasp the fact that the fish were migrating, she was just amazed with the fight the fish had to endure to get where they are going. As Anna May continues to watch the battle the fish are facing making their way over the rocks, jumping and splashing, banging against the rocks. She begins to feel a connection to her life, we all have a battle to face as we make our way up stream. While coming to this realization, she starts to let go some of the pain and frustrations that had been building.
While watching the fish and the troubles they faced making their journey upstream at Sauble Falls, Anna May had an epiphany. During her break from home she faces her own ''swim of life'' and begins to come to terms with her life situation. Anna May's epiphany makes her realize that she is not the only one going through tough times, and that we are all only making our way up