Syllabus: Finance and Class Essay

Submitted By estebanjv89
Words: 1571
Pages: 7

Corporate Finance (FIN 350)
North Central College
Winter Term (2014)

Instructor Doh-Khul Kim, Ph.D. (Chair & Associate Professor of Economics and Finance) Office and Phone 125 S. Loomis House (Room 103) (630) 637-5243 (email)

Office Hours Mon/Wed. 2:00 – 3:00 pm Tue/Thu. 4:00 – 5:00 pm Fri. No Office Hours (Appointment Only)

Textbooks Fundamentals of Financial Management by Brigham and Houston (Concise 7th edition), Thomson (2012): required Additional Materials Wall Street Journal ( CNBC ( or Business Section in MSNBC ( CNN Money ( Yahoo Finance ( Bloomberg (

: I cannot stress enough the importance of exposing yourself to these web sites. From the constant exposures and readings, you are expected to obtain (i) more practical education and learning activities and (ii) numerous benefits such as thinking and reasoning skills. Hence, try to visit and check the current news in one of the web sites above on a regular basis during and after the term.

Financial Calculator Financial Calculator (BA II Plus, TI : N – I/Y – PV – PMT – FV) : No matter what calculator you use, it is your responsibility to learn how to use the calculator. The financial calculator is a tool and not a purpose in this class, as it will just help us learn some key theories (such as financial asset values) more conveniently. Hence, you need to read the provided manual whenever necessary during the term.

Course Descriptions

1. The class serves as an introduction to corporate finance and financial markets for all business majoring students. 2. This class is intended to provide students with a foundation in the modern theories of financial management and corporate finance. 3. The class will focus on development of representative concepts, theories and models that are useful for understanding a broad range of major corporate finance and financial market activities.
4. Whenever helpful, real financial/economic events and company activities will be discussed in the class in order to identify how well the theories are related and consistent.

Grading Your class grade will be determined by your performance on following exams and assignments/participations. Exam 1 20% Exam 2 30% Final Exam (semi-comprehensive) 35% Assignments 10% Class Participations 5% 93 - 100% A 90 – 92% A- 87 – 89% B+ 83 – 86% B 80 - 82% B- 77 - 79% C+ 73 – 76% C 70 – 72% C- 60 - 69% D Below 60% F

Class Policies

I. Class Attendance and Materials

1. Even though it is not required, your class attendance is highly recommended. However, you are ultimately responsible for any work(s) assigned, announcements and class materials in any missed class. 2. Most of the class materials (except for exam and homework related materials) will be posted on the Blackboard. The board will normally be updated on Thursday/Friday, and please print out and bring them to following classes. Hence, check the blackboard every Friday to see if there is any update.

3. There are also materials that may be only available in the class. However, it is a student’s responsibility to