BUSI 710: Principles of Financial Management and Marketing
5 credit hours
This course develops students' ability to read, understand and use financial statements. Emphasis is placed on financial accounting data use and on the reconstruction and interpretation of economic events from published accounting reports. In addition, the course addresses the role of marketing in creating value for customers, which in turn leads to value for other stakeholders.
Liberal Arts
Liberal Arts
College Mission:
The Savannah College of Art and Design exists to prepare talented students for professional careers, emphasizing learning through individual attention in a positively oriented university environment.
Course Goals
1. Students will learn basic accounting and reporting functions including budgeting and forecasting.
2. Students will study how to prepare and interpret financial reports and statements.
3. Students will examine one or more case models of successful revenue development.
4. Students will learn about investment options and construct a three-year pro forma financial plan.
5. Students will learn how economic factors affect the financial health of an organization.
Course Outcomes
1. Students will engage in annual revenue, expense, and cash flow planning including the realistic development of an operating budget.
2. Students will evaluate investment opportunities using economic data as a decision making tool.
3. Students will propose viable financial systems, reporting structures/mechanisms, and controls.
4. Students will discuss the role of marketing in the process of satisfying consumer wants and needs.
5. Students will discuss various aspects of personal finance including credit cards, credit ratings, and employment benefit packages.
Your overall course grade will be computed according to the following breakdown: Assignment
Quizzes (2)
8 percent Exercises (8)
42 percent Project A (3 parts)
30 percent Discussions
20 percent
Assignment Descriptions
The quizzes are designed to assess the student's knowledge of pertinent terminology from the unit content.
The unit exercises are the primary way of measuring a student's progress in the course. Success will be gauged by a student's visible improvement and application of the covered topics, tools, and concepts from the beginning of the course through to the end.
Project A, is a three-part project designed to allow students to apply what they have learned throughout the course. Part 1 will be graded within the Group page. Parts 2 and 3 require submissions. The work students produce in this project should reflect their abilities and understanding of financial management and marketing tools and concepts covered in the course.
Unit discussions are designed to engage your thinking about the readings as well as your interaction with other students in the course. Discussion postings should be courteous, thoughtful, and carefully written.
Grade Explanations Letter Grade:
Characterization: excellent Explanation:
Student demonstrates a full understanding of the subject matter, exemplary critical and creative thinking, strong comprehension of concepts presented in literature and previous work in the subject area, and highly developed communication and presentation skills. The work is of outstanding quality according to the criteria established for evaluation.
90 to 100 percent
Letter Grade:
Characterization: good Explanation:
Student demonstrates above average comprehension of the subject matter, above average critical and creative thinking, familiarity with concepts presented in literature and previous work in the subject area, and above average communication and presentation skills. The work is of above average quality according to evaluation criteria.
80 to 89 percent
Letter Grade: