Essay about Syllabus of the Semester

Submitted By MichaelJacobs1
Words: 1630
Pages: 7

University of Arizona
Eller College of Management
Department of Economics

Spring 2013 Professor McBrearty
January 10th – April 30th
Economics 330-001
Macroeconomic Institutions and Policies
Modern Languages 350, 2:00 – 3:15 PM T/R

Required Text: Miller, Economics Today: The Macro View (Addison-Wesley, 16th edition, 2012); 748 pp. ISBN: 0132925915 (Loose-leaf Student Value Edition & MyECON Lab). If you have the regular bound, soft cover edition that is fine too; just be sure you have MyECON Lab as well as the actual text.

Purpose of the Course

Application of basic macroeconomic concepts and principles to understand problems and formulate policies, associated with key issues of achieving high employment, stable prices, and adequate economic growth, with special emphasis given to the international/global economy (trade and finance).

Office Hours:

Course Outline

Assignment Date to Reading Assignment
Number Topic Study Topic in Miller, 16th Edition

1 Measuring Domestic Output & January 10, 15 & 17 Chapters 8 & 9 National Income/Economic Growth and Development

2 Business Cycles, Unemployment, January 22 & 24 Chapter 7 & Inflation

3 Classical & Keynesian Macroeconomic January 29 & 31 Chapters 11 (pp. 230-233) Analyses & 12 (to p. 268)

4 The Keynesian Aggregate Expenditures February 5 & 7 Chapter 12 (to p. 268) Model (C+I+G+ (X-M)) and the Multiplier Concept

*****FIRST MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Tuesday, February 12, 2013*****
Miller, Chapters 7, 8, 9, 11 (pp. 230—233), and 12 (to p. 268)

5 Aggregate Demand & Supply February 14 & 19 Chapters 10, 11 (pp. 234—247) & 12 (pp. 268—273)

6 Fiscal Policy February 21 & 26 Chapter 13

7 Public Spending & Taxes Feb. 28 & March 5 Chapters 5 & 6


8 Deficit Spending and the Public Debt March 7, 19 & 21 Chapter 14

*****SECOND MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Tuesday, March 26, 2013*****
Miller, Chapters 5, 6, 10, 11 (pp. 234—247), 12 (pp. 268—273), 13 & 14

9 Money, Banking & Financial March 28 & April 2 Chapter 15 Institutions 10 The Federal Reserve System April 4 & 9 Chapter 16 & Monetary Policy

11 International Trade, Comparative April 11, 16, & 18 Chapter 32 Advantage and Barriers to Trade

12 The Balance of Payments April 23 Chapter 33 & Exchange Rates

*****THIRD MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Tuesday, April 30, 2013*****
Miller, Chapters 15, 16, 32 & 33

University of Arizona
Eller College of Management
Department of Economics

Spring 2013 Professor McBrearty
Economics 330-001
Macroeconomic Institutions and Policies

Grading Policy


First Midterm Examination: Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
Miller, Chapters 7, 8, 9, 11 (pp. 230—233), and 12 (to p. 268). 100 points = 25% of course grade.

Second Midterm Examination: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
Miller, Chapters 5, 6, 10, 11 (pp. 234—247), 12 (pp. 268—273), 13 & 14. 100 points = 25% of course grade.

Third Midterm Examination: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
Miller, Chapters 15, 16, 32 & 33. 100 points = 25% of course grade.

MyECON Lab Exercises for all assignments listed on the syllabus. They must be completed within 48 hours of the last day indicated for the completion of each assignment on the syllabus. 100 points = 25 percent of course grade.

Maximum possible points for this course = 400.


All students are required to take the above three (3) midterm exams on the dates indicated. If you miss an exam for a legitimate reason such as a university-sanctioned activity or a