Course Objective: This course provides the student with an introduction to the integration of computer based information systems and business policy. Upon completion of the course, students will understand how various information systems can be orchestrated to support a business strategy that will result in competitive advantage.
The course has the following learning goals: * Understand how information systems can be implemented to support a business strategy that will result in competitive advantage through the strategic use of information technology within organizations, from development through divestiture. (Business Knowledge). This will be measured by examination. * Understand how word processing, database, presentation, and spreadsheet technologies are used within organizations to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. (Technology) This will be measured by examination. * Understand how to consider the social, moral, and legal ramifications of various information system issues. (Ethics) This will be measured by examination. * Be able to identify, analyze, and propose possible information technology solutions to organizational problems. (Critical Thinking) This will be measured by examination.
Evaluation and Grading: A weighted course average will be calculated using the following weights for assignments:
Highest score on Exams 1-3 25% Second highest score on Exams 1-3 25% Participation 10% Term Paper 15% Final Exam 25% 100%
Grades will be earned according to the following scheme:
90-100 A
80-89.99 B
70-79.99 C
60-69.99 D
Below 60 F
Exams: The exams will allow the student to demonstrate knowledge of MIS concepts that are covered in the class meetings, text and cases. Subject to my approval, any student having a 90 class average or higher (including all three exams) upon completion of all class work except the final exam is exempt from taking the final exam. Any eligible student interested in such an exemption must first gain my consent. The essay portion of the exams must be taken with a bluebook and, blue or black pen, both supplied by the student. Failure to take the exam without bluebook or pen will result in an automatic 5pt deduction for each, respectively.
Term Paper: You may select the topic for the term paper. There is a broad array of topics in management information systems - effect of MIS on organizational behavior or business strategy, electronic commerce, database marketing, Internet marketing, artificial intelligence, just to name a few. If you need help in selecting a topic feel free to contact me to discuss ideas. You should notify me if you plan to write on something based upon an internship or job, and plan to discuss it with me as well. Keep in mind that the purpose of this assignment is to provide a new learning experience, not rehash an old one. Also, students cannot use a paper written for another class. Detailed instructions about the term paper will be provided at a later date. However, it will be due by midnight December 5th.
Participation: In this course class participation is of paramount importance, for this reason participation constitutes 10% of your final grade. It includes contributions made by the student during lectures and selected readings. Class discussion of topics and concepts being