Symbols In The Lottery

Words: 718
Pages: 3

How far will you go for a reward? Are you willing to sacrifice anything for that reward, even if it means your own life? A compelling tale of twisted origins, The Lottery leaves us in a state of confusion, a confusion so grand we start questioning our morals and values amongst ourselves and our community. The greatest manifestation of a reward worth dying for manifests itself within this dark tale.

Due to the various symbolic representations in the story, I chose to go with Symbolism as my focus for this essay. The first symbol I would like to address is the Box itself; the box feels like a dark entity that fuels the continuous tradition of the townsfolk. Based on how its current state is presented, which is that of a relic, “The black box grew shabbier each year; by now it was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained. “And due to how the townsfolk value this “tradition” a little too much, they frown upon trying to even
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“. The reason I find this interesting and symbolic is because it reminds me of the same time that Paganisms follow to celebrate their Midsummer/ Summer Solstice ritual, though not entirely a solstice timeline in the story, it was close to the same idea. Not only that but going back to the idea of the lottery they too have had many ways in which they give praise to their divine, though of course, they have more natural means and a better purpose which is praying for good crops and harvest, who knows the black box was their form of deity whom they offered a sacrifice to for