Synthesis Essay Open-Year-Round School

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Pages: 3

Summer vacation is a time for students and teachers alike to relax and recharge from the stress and exhaustion caused by school. Some say schools should be open year-round to decrease the summer slide and help less fortunate families, but they ignore one crucial thing: students' and teachers' mental and emotional state. Schools should maintain summer breaks because of the toll school has on students' and teachers' health, the development of soft skills from summer jobs, and the median results from the academic performance index. At the end of the school year, students and teachers are exhausted and need a break. According to (Source B) “The real reason so many districts, rural and urban, created the break in the 19th century was a belief that “too much …show more content…
“She says many students don't typically have the social networks or access to unpaid internships to get their foot in the door in the job market. “These programs help students make some connections. to explore a lot of things that they can't do in school” (Source E). Schools provide students with general knowledge, but it doesn’t teach the soft skills needed to get a job and the necessary connections. Education is crucial, but if there’s no chance for students to get jobs and develop soft skills, it could impact them for a long time when applying for jobs. However, those who wish to remove summer break are mainly motivated by the loss of knowledge during summer break. According to (Source A) “Summer camps, even academic ones, can still have too much emphasis on “fun” for me. I want my sons brain to remain active, sharp not turned to good because he’s playing basketball everyday for five hours in a rec center.” A majority of the counter-argument is about what they want as a parent regardless of what's best for the child, it also doesn’t mention data from standardized testing shown in (Source