Tachycardia And Peque Trauma Case Studies

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Pages: 6

INTRODUCTION Trauma is the study of medical problems associated with physical injury. The injury is the adverse effect of a physical force upon a person. There is a variety of forces that can lead to injury, including mechanical, thermal, ionizing radiation and chemical. Trauma is recognized as a serious public health problem. In fact, it is the leading cause of death and disability in the first four decades of life and is the third most common cause of death overall. 1 The abdomen is the third most common injured region, with surgery required in about 25% of civilian cases. 2 In civilian life, the majority of abdominal injuries are due to blunt trauma secondary to high-speed automobile accidents. Penetrating injuries, although often …show more content…
Stab wounds were the common cause of penetrating trauma affecting 12 patients (66.67%) while gun shoot wounds affecting 6 patients (33.33%). [Figure 2] Mechanisms of trauma in studied populations

On warning signs, pain, tachycardia, hemoperitoneum and hypotension were the commonest warning signs in studied populations.
[Figure 3] Warring signs in studied populations The areas most affected by trauma were Lt. thoraco-abdominal, Lt. hypochondrium and epigastrium. [Figure 4] The area most affected by trauma in studied populations The spleen was the most affected solid organ and the most affected hallow viscous was the small intestine. [Figure 5] The organs and structures most affected by trauma in studied populations

Hospital stay ranged from zero to seven days in 44(55%) cases, eight to fifteen days in 36(45%) cases. [Table 1] Length of hospital stays of studied populations
Variable Summary statistics
Length of stay Mean (SD) Median