He knew her before he saw her. When Bella showed up for the first day of school, Edward already knew everything about her. He saw her through other’s mind, seeing how she reacted to their questions, and how she handled herself at the new school. He knew that every guy thought she was hot, but to him she was just another human, others were only interested in her because she was new. Edward tries not to pay attention to human’s thoughts, only to see if they were thinking of his family. After all …show more content…
I wasn’t trying to make her feel at ease, her smile just made me want to smile in response to be in on the secret.” With Rosalie and Jasper wanting to kill Bella themselves, Emmett telling Edward it’s okay if he kills her, and Alice vision of being best friends with Bella, Edward becomes her protector, keeping her out of harm’s way, his family, but not himself. Alice is the only one on his side, telling Japer to not kill her as she tells him “I’m going to love her someday, Jazz. I’ll be very put out with you if you don’t let her be.” With those words Jasper promises not to hurt Bella. Edwards knows he should leave the girl alone, but he can’t, and rather take the easy road by loving her, than spending his life avoiding his one true