Task 2 Psyp7004 Assessment

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Pages: 6

5 Ps Formulation for Assessment Task 2 PSYCP7004 Presenting Concern Patrick says he has panic attacks most days. These attacks present as a tight chest, a feeling that he cannot breathe, and sometimes, nausea. Mostly, these panic attacks occur at work; they also occur in public places, but not at home. They can be triggered by making mistakes, worrying about parenting mistakes, being around people Patrick does not know, or by thinking about panic attacks. Crowds and public places, being triggers for the panic attacks, are situations Patrick has started to avoid. However, he wants to stop avoiding these situations. Patrick also says his panic attacks, and worries about panic attacks, have reduced his work performance, and led him to occasionally …show more content…
Also, his mother modelling an anxious cognitive style plausibly caused Patrick to develop the belief that “worrying is a good way to solve problems”, also predisposing Patrick to worry excessively and have related concerns. However, Patrick’s father’s parenting style – with high standards and much yelling – scared Patrick. From this, it appears Patrick developed some core beliefs that predispose him to his presenting problems: “I am not good enough” and “others will judge me”. Patrick manifests these core beliefs with the assumption that “if I do not make any mistake others will judge me as good enough”, which Patrick seemed to reflect when he reported often worrying about making mistakes. Precipitating Factors Patrick’s increase in panic attacks, avoidance of public places, and sleep issues were precipitated by the birth of his first daughter. With fatherhood comes a stressful shift in routine for everyone. However, Patrick’s core belief that he is not good enough likely generated many new worries from the demands and high-stakes of parenting. Additionally, the baby waking him up every night precipitates his