Essay Tax Sale Properties

Submitted By hqn1999
Words: 1417
Pages: 6


Made pursuant to Section 3371of the California Revenue and Taxation Code I, Shari L. Freidenrich, Orange County Treasurer-Tax Collector, State of California certify that: The real properties listed below were declared to be delinquent for three years and in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2008, by operation of law pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 3436. The declaration of tax default was due to non-payment of the outstanding amounts due for property taxes, assessments, penalties and costs levied in the fiscal year 2007-2008. These tax-defaulted properties may be brought current or redeemed either by the full payment of all unpaid taxes, assessments, penalties and costs, as prescribed by law, or initiation of an installment payment plan to pay all outstanding balances prior to July 1, 2012. All information concerning the following tax-defaulted properties, including the installment payment option, will be furnished, upon request, by the Office of the Treasurer - Tax Collector, 625 North Ross St., Building 11, Room G-58, Santa Ana, CA 92701, by calling our office at (714) 834-3411 or visiting our website at The amount due, including all penalties and fees, as of September 30, 2011, is shown opposite the Assessor’s parcel number and next to the name of the assessee. This amount will continue to accrue additional penalties at the rate of 1.5% per month until it is fully paid.
BERNARDTAX-RATE AREA 28-019 STERZENBACH, PHILLIPS, RONALD TAX-RATE AREA 01-001 LIESL, AP 898-620-51, $1,312.33, TR 15697 BLK JAMES, AP 898-138-79, $220.36, TR 777 LOT 1 5 LOT 3240 UN H-52 LA PALMA FAMILY UN R407 INT D23SBH LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, LEE, JIMMY, AP 898AP 035-144-10, MC MICHAEL, ROBERT 648-08, $931.77, TR $10,348.49, 740 E LA G TR, AP 916-142-25, PALMA AV, ANAHEIM, CA 15697 BLK 5 LOT 3350 $192.63, TR P50-15 LOT UN G-09 1 UN R333 INT A25 AP 035-144-12, $1,395.33, TR 17 LOT 44 AP 898-648-09, $931.77, JONES, GARY A, AP TR 15697 BLK 5 LOT 898-165-71, $210.58, TR 3350 UN G-10 TAX-RATE AREA 01-007 777 LOT 1 UN O214 INT C34SSH HAHN, HELEN, AP 898SALDIVAR, JUANA, 876-25, $1,355.07, TR AP 137-351-27.0100, CAPPS, M DAWN LEE, 16165 BLK 1 LOT 2832 $3,229.89, 2124 S AP 916-139-24, $255.86, UN F-26 MOUNTAIN VIEW AV, TR P50-15 LOT 1 UN ANAHEIM, CA R330 INT A24 LOBEL, CRAIG S ET AL, AP 899-146-37, PADILLA, FRANCISCO PROPERTY IN $1,193.95, TR 16164 BLK J, AP 898-206-88, LAGUNA NIGUEL CITY 14 LOT 3831 UN P-38 $182.72, TWP 4 RGE 1022 SEC 1117-2 UN C19 TAX-RATE AREA 29-011 AP 899-146-37.0100, VACATION VENTURES $230.48, TR 16164 BLK J M PETERS CO, 14 LOT 3831 UN P-38 LLC, AP 898-261-71, %MOULTON NIGUEL $172.90, TWP 4 RGE 10WATER DIST, AP 652AP 899-146-38, 22 SEC 1235-2 UN B11 031-22, $221.87, TR $1,193.95, TR 16164 BLK 11215 LOT D 14 LOT 3831 UN P-39 SMOOT, JUDY, AP 898261-83, $172.44, TWP 4 PROPERTY IN AP 899-146-38.0100, RGE 10-22 SEC 1235-2 $230.48, TR 16164 BLK LAGUNA WOODS CITY UN B20 14 LOT 3831 UN P-39 TAX-RATE AREA 32-011 TAX-RATE AREA 01-013 AP 899-146-39, KAMINSKY, ERIC B, AP $1,193.95, TR 16164 BLK 931-370-08, $5,649.55, O C HOMES-R14 LOT 3831 UN P-40 CORPORATION ET 2109 VIA PUERTA, UNIT AL, AP 356-141-48, Q, LAGUNA WOODS, CA AP 899-146-39.0100, $6,355.91, BK 1 PG 6 $230.48, TR 16164 BLK PROPERTY IN ALISO PAR 2 14 LOT 3831 UN P-40 VIEJO CITY TAX-RATE AREA 01-063 TAX-RATE AREA 07-163 TAX-RATE AREA 34-005 RANCHO YORBA LEE, JIMMY, AP 899PACITTI, ELIZABETH TOWN HOMES ASSN, 018-30, $1,151.73, TR M, AP 937-994AP 363-260-02, $177.90, 16164 BLK 8 LOT 2336 38.0200, $2,062.21, 34 TR 8404 LOT 151 UN P-28 SANDPIPER LN, ALISO TAX-RATE AREA 01-198 VIEJO, CA PROPERTY IN COSTA MESA CITY OWENS, MARIA D PROPERTY IN SAN CLEMENTE CITY ET AL, AP 128-071-42, TAX-RATE AREA 15-178 $99,455.26, 1750 W TAX-RATE AREA 10-022 LINCOLN AV, ANAHEIM, LIFESTYLES CA HOMEOWNERS ASSN BASSETT, PAULINE O, INC, AP 141-521-67, AP 916-096-87, $437.09, PROPERTY IN $2,106.52, TR 15211 TR 11014 LOT 1 UN 203