Tay Sachs Research Paper

Words: 461
Pages: 2

Tay Sachs is a rare disorder passed from parents when the babies are about 6 months. In children, the destructive process begins in the fetus early in pregnancy. Children who have Tay-Sachs disease are at high risk of lung infections that cause breathing problems and frequently accumulate mucus in their lungs. Without hexosaminidase chemicals called ganglioside start to create up nerves in the brain and it destroys brain cells. Screening includes your partner for the mutation HEXA.A defective gene on chromosome 15 (HEX-A) causes Tay-Sachs disease. This defective gene causes the body to not make a protein called hexosaminidase A. Without this protein, chemicals called gangliosides build up in nerve cells in the brain, destroying brain …show more content…
TSD risk factors include Ashkenazi Jewish, French Canadian, Cajun, and Pennsylvania Dutch descent and having a family history of the condition. There currently is no prevention for Tay sachs.Symptoms of slowed development usually appear around six months of age. Symptoms progress until they lead to death, often around age four. There will me muscle weakness, problems with coordination, rhythmic muscle contractions, or stiff muscles. The body will be feeling faint or wasting away. It is also common for there to be difficulty swallowing, hearing loss, seizures, vision loss, or an impaired voice.Symptoms of slowed development usually appear around six months of age. Symptoms progress until they lead to death, often around age four. There will me muscle weakness, problems with coordination, rhythmic muscle contractions, or stiff muscles. The body will be feeling faint or wasting away. It is also common for there to be difficulty swallowing, hearing loss, seizures, vision loss, or an impaired voice.There is no cure for Tay-Sachs disease, but research is ongoing. There is medication to reduce the child’s symptoms, a number of prescription medications are available, including seizure