Data Protection Act 1998.
Schools must ensure that information is kept secure and confidential.
Information can only be shared with parental consent and all information within school is on a need to know basis, for example, only those working directly with a child should receive information regarding them.
To keep information safe and secure there must be passwords on computers and information should be kept in lockable filing cabinets.
All information should be used for its intended purpose.
The UN Conventions Rights of the child 1989.
This is to ensure that all children have an equal right to education and be able to develop themselves to the fullest.
The child’s best interests …show more content…
Children’s Act 2004.
After the tragic death of Victoria Climbie this act was put in place to ensure that schools and outside agencies share any concerns regarding a child. This act works alongside Every Child Matters 2003 for the care of individuals from birth to the age of 19.
Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2005.
Anyone with a disability should be treated the same as anyone else.
They should be able to access all areas of a school and be included in all aspects of school life.
Childcare Act 2006.
This ensures that everyone who works with children are adequately trained to carry out their role within schools or the organisation that they work in.
It also states that authorities must provide childcare for children under 5 years of age under the early years foundation stage framework.
Education Act 2002.
This states how community cohesion is important within schools.
SEN code of Practice 2001.
This is to ensure that children/young people get extra support if needed and that they have the right to be educated in a mainstream