Generally effective communication with all groups helps to smooth things out and helps build relationships with all. If you communicate effectively it can help you gain trust with all involved. I’d like to think anybody could approach me so I want to be seen as being an effective communicator who can listen and identify the needs of all parties. As I volunteer when conversing with staff and other adults within the school I want to portray the image of a happy school, when in celebration assembly’s I approach all staff in a respectful cheerful manner so that parents who attend are assured we are a happy school environment who act appropriately. I always try to helpful wherever I can for any staff member not just the staffs who work within the class I am volunteering in.
Effective communication with staff is vital to the school environment whether there are general notices for staff or urgent matters that need to be auctioned ASAP. Staffs do have ipads with email attached to them so they are updated with any notices the school have, they also have written letters to notify them, in staff meetings verbal face to face communication is used and it can help highlight any key issues that may need to be raised within those meetings they can be provided with briefing sheets for them to go over or written letters for individual staff members. Lesson plans are a great way for Class Teachers to communicate with Assistants, this past week the Class Teachers were away from class planning lessons for the following week so the lesson plan was left so the TAs could read what was needed to be done in lesson, it described that there were handouts for mixed abilities and who should be helping where and was very clear. This was extremely helpful in conducting the lesson. I’ve recently heard of SIMS where student information is held, it has a profile of each student whether that be learning/behavioural needs or any medical conditions. Staffs also communicate via pigeon holes with staff memos and log sheets.
When communicating with children I have found that being an effective listener is vital, children can sometimes become very upset in their school environment and listening to the students is important to building up trust and a relationship with them. Whether they have a headache, tiredness or are upset with another student it is important to listen to them and have empathy. Helping come up with a solution the their problem or suggesting they do something to help the problem also help as if feels as if you are auctioning their needs rather than just pushing them to one side.
1.2: Principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults
To build relationships with the above I think you have to identify what is the appropriate way to communicate with them, i.e. if it was a child I was communicating with I may come down to their level rather than hovering above them when talking. Also you want to make your language age appropriate when you talk to children I find myself not wanting to use long words that you may use with adults as the children may not understand me. I always want to show respect in front of all parties above as this will encourage the person you are conversing with to be respectful back.
When conversing with an adult generally staff members I want to be respectful so if any children see us conversing they can see staff members being respectful to each other. If the matter is regarding a student you do have to show that you can work in a confidential manner so maybe going into another room so no other staff members or children can hear you.
When talking to other adults who may come into the school to do PE, music or any other outside agencies you must always act in a confidential manner and not give out any information that may not be related to the activity. I imagine if an agency came in to