In the film, The Devil Wears Prada (2006), Andy Sachs is a recent college graduate with big dreams. Upon landing a job at prestigious Runway magazine, she finds herself the assistant to diabolical editor Miranda Priestly. Andy questions her ability to survive her grim tour as Miranda's whipping girl without getting scorched (IMDb, 2006). Andy has a negative view towards the fashion industry and believes that one’s fashion choices should not define their lives or career path. These factors and other socio-logical influences in her life form her attitude. The socio-logical influences include her family, close friends, boyfriend and the media. As the film is based around the fashion magazine, Runway, it appears very stereotypical that each character know what is expected of them and when it is expected, they try their hardest to live up to these expectations when Andy walks in and shows them that looks and appearances aren’t everything. The way in which Andy’s attitude towards fashion is represented in the film fits the attitude (A) component of the tri-component method (the ways Andy feels about fashion), which is not portrayed positively in the beginning of the film this relates to her behavior (B) (the actions Andy acts towards fashion) and the way she dresses as if she has no time for fashion or how she presents herself and the cognitive component, (the opinions Andy has) her belief is that fashion is worthless and shallow, only focusing on looks.
The main purpose of her attitude towards fashion is the value-expressive function, because Andy uses her personally attitude towards fashion to blatantly express what she thinks and who she is. Her sense of fashion tells others about her and unmistakably express her values, self-image and beliefs and confidence that she does not care for the fashion industry that Runway thrives off. She dresses the way she does to show that she does not have the time nor the energy to focus on what she wears everyday for others approval. She spends her time more valuably with the people and things she loves such as her boyfriend, friends and her aspiration to become a writer, one that counts and impacts society.
The factors that affect this attitude towards fashion are Andy’s strength, which is her resistance to not give in to the unforgiving world of fashion and to not let it change who is or what she dreams of. Her attitude accessibility, being how quickly her attitude can come from her mind, attitude precisely, how Andy’s attitude could relate to either a general concept or a specific aspect of her personality, which is how sensitive Andy is to how others see her, she has a low self-management, (how she