Laura Wall, Naaba Ngandu, Nicole Smith,
Renee Jackson, Thomas Wilson
QNT /351
July 13, 2015
Terrance Feravich
BIMS Case Study Team D has been contracted to evaluate data recently compiled by Ballard Integrated Managed Service Inc. The data collected is in effort to detect the recent increase in employee turnover in a usually predictable market. A survey has recently been conducted based on a human resources professional experience. Qualitative and quantitative data, at multiple statistical levels of measurement, has been extracted and rid of errors, also known as cleaned, to provide a better understanding of the root cause of the turnover increase.
The BIMS Situation: The Problem and Purpose.
Ballard Integrated Managed Service, Inc., is a company that provides contracted support specializing in housekeeping, foodservice, general cleaning, and physical plant maintenance to institutions and corporations. BIMS has a client list of about 255, spanning from midsized firms, universities, businesses, airports, and medical centers. One of those clients “The Douglas Medical Center” has just renewed it contract for all of BIMS services under general manager Barbara Tucker.
Barbara has noticed in the last four months that the turnover rate has increased from about 55% to 64%. She has also noticed that this high turnover rate is affecting the morale of employees that are there. The problem is that Barbara and the other managers on the contract can’t seem to find the reason why the morale has fallen in the workplace. Using the resources available to them, they have decided to use a survey to attempt to identify the main source of the decreased morale.
The Instrument for Data Collection
Barbara has enlisted the help of her HR manager Debbie to find out the problem. Debbie has developed an employee survey (the instrument used for data collection) that will be attached and distributed to the all 449 employee’s with their paychecks. The survey consisted of 10 questions that asked workers how they felt about their working conditions, shift hours, quality of training, level of compensation, fair treatment, internal company communications, and job security by rating them from “Very Negative to Very Positive” and 4 demographics question. The employees have given their opinion on how the different activities of the business affect their outlook on the company.
Types of Data Collected
The data collected is both qualitative and quantitative. According to Douglas, William, and Wathen (2011), “When the characteristic being studied is categorical or nonnumeric, it is called a qualitative variable (pp. 8-9) Examples from the survey are which division do you work? What is your gender? And Are you a manager or supervisor? A quantitative is when the variable studied indicates how many or how much (Douglas, William, & Wathen, 2011, pp. 9). Examples are how many times have you called in sick in the last month? And How long have you worked for BIMS?
The data is collected through survey distributed to all 449 employees excluding top management, the survey is delivered alongside the bi-weekly payroll checks and data is collected. Participants are asked to respond to a series of questions by circling the corresponding answer on the questionnaire, first they are asked to circle a number from 1 (very negative choice) to 5 (very positive choice). Participants are then required to respond to four questions noted A through D, those questions pertain to work division, years of employment, gender and position within the company manager or supervisor.
Levels of Measurement
The level of measurement of data can be nominal, ordinal, interval level or ratio level. The level of measurement of questions 1 through 10 can be classified as ordinal and interval, ordinal because it depicts some ordered relationship between the numbers of items. The participants answer by circling a number between 1 and 5, which corresponds to the