There are plenty of materials of semiconductors that can be used in LEDs. It is the different materials of semiconductors that helped LED emit all kinds of colors. Because each different doped semiconductor produces a unique wavelength which determines the color of the light emitted.
Firstly, lets think of the colors of LED. The LED do not have colors intrinsically. It is the light that given off appears to be color. They way we perceive colors is that our eyes are sensitive to the light which lies a small region of the electromagnetic spectrum called “visible light.” The electronic spectrum is a range of radiation of all possible wavelength of radiation. For the visible light, the range of the wavelength lies between 400-700 nanometers. So this is also the range of the wavelength which LED tries to produce.
What is wavelength? As most of you might know, wavelength is the distance from the peak to the next peak. They goes along the direction of the wave continuously.
This diagram shows the visible colors of the shortest wavelength to the longest wavelength. So if we'd say the color is redder than another, it is because the light of the color has a longer wavelength. In the same way. The wavelength of light emitted determines the color of LED.
In order to produce the distinct wavelength, we need to choose the very precise semiconductor material. The semiconductors,