Technology From A Post-Humanist Perspective Analysis

Words: 2040
Pages: 9

There is no question that personal technologies, such as the introduction of smart phones and social medias, have enabled greater connection in the social world. Not only have such means reduced geographical barriers that once existed between people, but have facilitated communication over distance, allowing speedy exchanges and flexibility in our communication. But, whilst technology has clearly brought our global spheres closer together, has this communication revolution changed the nature of interpersonal socialization? Are there negative implications to these new, and rapidly expanding technologies on our socialness?
Technology as a phenomenon is a complex and highly debated topic amongst sociologists. Not only is it hard to define, but
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From this perspective, technology has a place within the causal chain preceding globalization as an end result.
Opposed to technological determinism, is the theory of humanism (or social constructivism). Advocates of this perspective argue that human action is not shaped by technology, but rather technology is shaped by society. According to this perspective, society shapes technology according to the needs, values, and interests of people who use the technology (Manuell castells the network society from knowledge to policy, 2005)
For the means of this paper, I will analyze technology from a post-humanist perspective, who believe neither social constructionism nor technological determinism are satisfactory takes, and rather advocate that humans and technologies have agency which create their own affects. (C Crothers) They assume that both forces drive and respond in correspondence to one another, in a way that technology and society mediate and compliment one each other in response to the needs and desires of each individual