The cell phone and ironic isn't it how these touch screens can make us lose touch but
It’s no wonder with a world filled with IMAC's iPads and I phones. So many i's
So many selfies not enough us's and we's see, technology has made us more selfish and
Separate than ever because while it claims to connect us connection has not
Gotten no better to let me express first Mr. Zuckerberg not to be rude but you
Should reclassify Facebook to what it is an anti-social network because While we
May have big friend lists so many of us are so friendless all alone because
Friendships are more broken than the screen are on our very phones we sit at
Home on our computers measuring self-worth by numbers of followers and likes
Ignoring those who actually love us and it seems that we rather write an angry
Post to someone who might actually hurt us is I bugging you tell me. I asked a
Friend the other day to meet up face-to-face he said Alright. What time you want
To Skype. I responded with omg's SRS's and a bunch of SMH's and realized what
About me do I not have the patience to have conversation without abbreviation?
This is the generation of media overstimulation chats have been reduced to
Snaps. News is 146 characters videos are six seconds in high-speed and you
Wonder why ADD is on the rise faster than 4G LTE but get a load of these studies
Show that the attention span of an average adult today is one second lower than
That of a gold fish. So if you one of the few