The Effect of Teen Pregnancy in the whole wide world with education. Teenagers get pregnant and put all their attention to the baby or their significant other. With a lot of responsibilities put into their new life they rarely have time for anything let alone school. Many teenage mothers wonder what if I would have stayed in school. Teenage girls who get pregnant at a young age have a higher risk to drop out of school.
Scientific Method Steps
For step one, this research selected was Teen Pregnancy & the Effects as a topic. For step two, the research found that teen girls loosing education is the problem. Teenage girls would have to leave school early or not show up at all so they may attend their doctor’s appointment or checkups. Teen girls would have to give up a lot including school to become a parent at a young age. For step three, the researcher found that "Teen mothers are 10-12% less likely to complete high school and have 14-29% lower odds of attending college.” The first article mentioned CITATION Ama07 \l 1033 (Amato PR, 2007). For step four, the hypothesis was Teenage girls who get pregnant at a young age have a higher risk to drop out of school. For step five, the research method was 20 surveys. For step six, the researcher administered 20 surveys to family, friends, and strangers at a convenient stores. For step seven, the researcher analyzed the data gathered and found for question one, Do you think teenage girls who get pregnant at a young age have a higher risk to drop out of school? 25% said no and 75% said yes. For step eight, the researcher presented the data to the Sociology class at STC. The researcher created a poster; On the poster the researcher added the survey question, a bar