Teen Sucicide Essay
Submitted By Veeexclusive
Words: 817
Pages: 4
Chapter 16 Mental Health Illness: Teen Suicide Mental Health illness is very serious amongst the other types of diseases diagnosed such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. It is to be taken seriously as a brain illness. The mental health illness I have selected to do research on is Teen Suicide. In the world or society we all live in today, teen suicide is presented for adults and teens. Even though we offer articles, guidance, and information in order to prevent this mental health illness, the statistics and rate numbers cannot be compared to how many individuals kill their lives each moment by the hour. It is become a serious problem in our world especially this year’s generation. With many individuals who are put under pressure to have problems in life, many teenagers will find themselves having suicidal thoughts. Paint a picture in your mind about someone close in your life just grabbing a knife and throwing their life away. The pain and unfortunate of losing that specific love one. How do they even respond to the death? Studies have shown that teens respond to adults who they have a good connection amongst. Mostly the teen who recently had their close friend passed away because she one day decided to “shot” herself needs more than just a “will you be alright.” No one is going to go through this strong, because we all need to find a companion to vent, grief, and talk to. But if someone can rewind time and be there for their long gone love one that it will benefit a lot. Studies have shown 4 out of 5 teen suicides attempts have been preceded by a clear warning sign. The teen who becomes disinterested in their favorite extracurricular activities, problems at school or work and losing the interest in a work filed, using the substance of drugs as a medication or pain relieved, and presenting behavioral problems. The teen will change their eating and sleeping habits and become rebellious (running away from home.) Even if some teens could be sneaky about these aspects some manage to spill out, “I’m thinking of committing suicide, I want to kill myself, or I wish I could die.” Teenagers begin throwing away personal belongings, and express unsetting thoughts on occasion. Understanding that if someone can recognize the teen’s behavior people need to acknowledges the feelings and thoughts.
When people tend assume it is uncomfortable to mention death, it can be useful to ask the adolescent if he or she is depressed or think of suicide. These questions surely won’t give a direct response, but it will provide assurance that someone cares and will give the person thinking of suicide a chance to talk about their problems. When teens need therapy, it helps to work their feelings and thoughts. Sometimes the reason why they need to go to someone to talk to is because they feel hopeless, losing control, worthless, self-hate, and extremely sad all of the time.
Most importantly, there is a part when the teen does not want to die, but do because no one is actually there to comfort them. They are not getting the proper