Telecommunications have played a big role in today’s generation. Without it, it may be impossible for us live in a technologically-advanced world. In full gratitude to the first inventors, we are now able to communicate to other people to the other part of the world, transact a business with business partners from other nations without going out of the country. Country to country negotiation has become easier and data can be accessible anywhere.
Telecommunications data has been advancing but its development is not without issues. Apart from the growing competition on better service provision, telecommunication companies also experience a wide variety of problems especially when it comes to data transfer. Axis Capital Group, an affiliate of one of the Big Three mobile operators in Jakarta, Indonesia, XL Axiata shares the big waves of data issue faced in the industry for the last three years.
1. Data Overcapacity
Because almost all our data are now shared through telecommunications networking, telecommunications bandwidth is feared to carry data beyond its capacity. The transfer of data which includes documents, images, videos and other files from one person to another would need a bandwidth of 224 exacbytes in 2020, almost 70% increase from what we transfer in the present.
According to reviews, the digital universe will grow from 36% to 62% as the emerging market also continues to increase.
2. The Expanding Number of Users
Although this is good news for providers and not something you should complain about, it also poses big challenges as to how to satisfy the demand for those people. There may be a fight over connections and the competition among