Temecula Store Incident Summary

Words: 782
Pages: 4

I’m writing a summary statement concerning the incident that happened in the Temecula store between two different employees, Megan, and Celine. The incident happened on 03/15/2024 during two different interactions with the employees. The first incident occurred with Megan. During the time that we were busy, Megan was helping multiple people. The eyeglasses were left on the heat warmer, the customer left the store and then later returned stating that something was wrong with his right lens. The customer was talking to me (Sharetta). I stated to the customer no worries we will go head a get that fixed for you. James overheard me talking with a customer while he was standing behind me using the heat warmer, listening to what was going on with the customer. James’s raised …show more content…
Employees get reprimanded differently when they are late for work than another employee by the Name of Erick Medera, who is late to work every day that he works he hinders the team by coming in either 30 min to 4 hours late to his shift or sometimes not even letting anyone know that he is not coming in for his shift. Which has a negative effect on our team because they see that he can do what he wants and walk into work when he feels like it and nothing is said to him about it. I have talked with James about his accountability and Erick’s attendance the response is always the same we will write him up and no write has happened or even been given to him for not showing up too late or not even letting anyone know that he was not coming in for his shift. I sat and talked with James as well, asking if we could take Erick’s key because we need someone that we can count on all the time and Erick is not a person that we can count on to be on time for his shift or even showing up. This has a big negative effect on our team and well as to the customer service to give the customer the best experience because we are running the store short of