Temperature and Solubility Essay

Submitted By yatayata
Words: 1908
Pages: 8

Lab Report
Now You See it, Now You Don’t

If the temperature grows warmer, then the solvent will dissolve faster.

Nymisha: With a program known as Logger Pro, we measured the temperature of the water, the solvent, in which a mystery substance was being dissolved within, or solute. The general temperatures of the water were hot, warm, and cold. The water ranged from 3.9 degrees Celsius to 59.2 degrees Celsius. Using the thermometer as a sort of stirrer, we mixed the solute and solvent until it no longer dissolved. We recorded this, as well as the substance’s initial mass. We subtracted the mass of the remaining substance from the initial mass to find the mass dissolved at the water’s temperature. Solubility is used in real life. The famous Kool Aid, a savior of children all around the world, is a classic example. If too much of the solute (the Kool Aid) is poured into the solvent (a glass of water), it becomes lumpy and too flavored and just plain out gross. But if there’s too little, it’s like pinkish water with only a little strawberry flavor and tastes equally as gross. But if the two are measured evenly and stirred properly, it can create a wonderful drink. This process is true for coffee and sugar, lemonade, and numerous other beverages.

Eric: In this lab we learned all about solubility. In the first lab we used this device known as Logger Pro, we measured temperature of water, which is the solvent, which the mystery substance, solute was being dissolved in.

Priscilla: With the thermometer plugged into the computer and Logger Pro, we had a small beaker full of hot, room temperature, or cold water, and a large beaker with a medicine cup of the mystery substance. We measured the mass of the mystery substance before we began anything. Using the tip of the thermometer as the stirrer, we added a little at a time the mystery substance into the small beaker and recorded at what temperature the water had saturated as much of the substance as it can (or could no longer dissolve into the water). The water and mystery substance reacted with each other chemically so it isn’t a mixture, but a solution. As soon as we had the final temperature recorded, we measured the final mass and subtracted that from the beginning mass.
In this lab, we learned how to use solubility to determine the identity of a substance. Have you ever needed help on separating water from salt? Or made chocolate milk or hot cocoa? We have all used
Melanie: We measured the temperature of cold water, room temperature water, and hot water by using Logger Pro and a thermometer. We were given a beaker in which we filled our designated temperature of water to 100 milliliters. We also were given a mystery substance that we were to use to dissolve in the water. We weighed the mystery substance and began to stir it in the water using the tip of the thermometer. We kept adding more and more of the mystery substance until the water couldn’t take any more of it. Then, we weighed what was left of the mystery substance and subtracted the final weight by the initial weight. We also recorded the final temperature of the water.
Mridula- In this lab, we measure how much of the mystery substance can dissolve in water. We tested this out on three different temperature of water,hot, room, and cold. We used logger pro to measure the temperature of the water. We kept putting the mystery substance in the water until the water could not hold any more of the mystery substance. We stirred the mystery substance with the thermometer. In the end we found out what temperature the water stopped dissolving and how much each temperature of water dissolved the mystery substance.

Data Collection:

Graph made by: Melanie Kurapatti

Mridula: chart for the data

Priscilla: As you can see in the graph made by Melanie, the least amount of substance dissolved was when the temperature was the coldest. The