Temple Grandin Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Temple Grandin

As Dr. Seuss, one of the most well-known American authors once questioned, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Most autistic people want to fit in and not seem different, except it is beneficial to not masquerade as everyone else no matter who the person is or how autism impacts them. Temple Grandin was born on August 29, 1947, and is still alive to this day. She is an American who was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. She studied psychology and cared for animals (Gale, 2009). Grandin created the humane animal slaughter machine that not only impacted the slaughter industry but also led to the spread of autism awareness everywhere. The humane animal slaughter machine was humane because it would lead the animal
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Gale in the context of the. 2009, June 3 -. Temple Grandin. In Context of the. Retrieved March 13, 2024, from