Johnson””, Brenna has a tone of accepting, agreeing, precise and firm. His tone in this was appropriate because he has the case viewed as a lawyer. Lawyer’s are suppose to have a firm and precise tone. He writes it in a formal language that has rich vocabulary and complex sentences which shows us that his tone is firm and his wording has to have no flaws. In “American Flag Stands for Tolerance,” Allen uses tone more casual way of talking and the tone that he uses is more understandable for us readers because it is not a lawyer's point of view and lawyer’s words has complex words to understand. It is appropriate for Allen because he writes an editorial. It is suppose to be published and that many people can understand. His positive tone can affect readers how they stand in this case and he uses facts to support what he thinks and that makes the reader more in believing and stand on his side. These are the reasons why the tones that are associated with “Texas V. Johnson” and “American Flag Stands for