Texting Affecting Teen Literacy

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Does texting affect Teen Literacy

Smartphones have undoubtedly changed how we communicate in the 21st Century, Especially with the amount of social media we have, it makes it hard for us to have face to face communication with one another. When texting we usually use some form of slang to get our point across a bit quicker. That vocabulary usually ends up making it into your daily grammar. Accidents that occur because of cell phone use behind the wheel is already dangerous as it is. Combine that with an irresponsible teen and percentages become very high. “According to the National Safety Council, 1.2 million car crashes in 2013 involved drivers talking on the phone.” (said The Local Brand’s article on How text messaging is affecting
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When people take awhile to respond to those who rely on attention, At some point in time they may start to feel lonely which leads to a very sad chapter in someone's life. Keeping on the same topic of loneliness things have changed drastically. Knowing today’s generation, social anxiety is a very huge topic, sometimes it’s just easier to type things out, not everyone is able to start a conversation and keep it going. Texting plays a huge part in that specific subject. Slang is also used in various forms of texting, and sometimes we just get so caught up into it that we don’t realize what we’re saying until someone points it out. It’s like when you’re young and you usually end up speaking like how your parents speak and that ends up being a part of your vocabulary. Growing up we’re taught everything that our parents think should be taught to us so we end up having the same point of view as one another. Like I said before, slang is used very commonly in today’s society, we are never able to speak how a normal person would because we are so used to our own grammar. Babies grasp onto things very quickly. If you’re ever talking to your kid in the future make sure you use proper grammar or they’ll end up catching onto …show more content…
Children being exposed to foul behavior is very common. Adolescents’ are catching up on everything, you make have taught them better but at school they really start showing their true colors. Cuss words are very common in today’s slang and it has a huge impact on kids these days, and they will do almost anything to try and fit in with the others. When kids are able to start texting they start by using their own vocabulary that they have learned since the day they could speak, but may soon end up using completely different words that someone who they text use. It’s like they’re being taught new words, but they feel that they should start using them more and more often. Children in general are often very exposed to new things when they start getting into electronics, you can try as hard as you want in order to keep them from seeing too much but their will always be ways for them to explore things. Texting wouldn’t seem so much of a concern for parents but when children start texting you really don’t know what they can be talking about, because of such modern slang things won’t seem bad until you know exactly what these words mean. In modern days like today your child is going to be very attached to electronics, but if too much exposure to texting and chatting online, they often get used to communication behind a screen