The 1960s: An Important Time In American History

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Pages: 6

The 1960s
Audrey Carmichael
English Comp. II
April 22, 2015

Carmichael 1
The 1960s was an important time in American history. Many things that happened in the 1960s are still affecting us in today’s world, some big and some small. From the first Wal-Mart to the first televised presidential debates, the United States has come a long way from what it was in the 1960s. So many things have changed and have been invented that the United States should be proud of, even if it was not the first to accomplish certain things.
The biggest corporation that has affected the United States the most is Wal-Mart. According to Experience Walmart’s History, the first Wal-Mart was built in the 1960s. It first opened on July 2, 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas by
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It also shaped the organization of industries from retail to manufacturing from California to China (David Moberg 1). By 2007, Wal-Mart expanded its discount store into a new Supercenter with full grocery service, which is where people now shop for almost anything they need (David Moberg 3). Even though the Wal-Mart stores have expanded and numerous people go there to shop, the stores often do not take advantage of the many registers available to check out …show more content…
Townes 1). Today, lasers are used in almost every major industry, from medicine and computers to entertainment and construction (What are Lasers used for? 1). According to What Lasers are used for?, many common home devices use lasers such as CD and DVD players (What are Lasers used for? The ruby laser was used in many early amazing experiments. One amazing experiment in 1969, sent a light beam to the Moon. The University of Chicago Press also says that the light beam was then reflected back from a retro-reflector placed on the Moon's surface by astronauts in the U.S. Apollo program in which Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon was on. The laser’s pulse of the travel time provided a measurement of the distance to the Moon. Later, ruby laser beams sent out and received by telescopes measured distances to the Moon with a precision of about three centimeters (Charles H. Townes 1). This was a great use of lasers when they were first invented, and still