Between 1877 and 1900 immigrants became a much bigger concern among native-born Americans than the black people or Indian peoples …show more content…
In the 1960s, a new group of young, long-haired and wild people began to from in San Francisco, California. The hippie culture was an authentic expression similar to the early church (PP The 1960s, Slide 24). Hippies were young adults from the middle-class that rejected the older generation’s rules and rebelling against the ideal of work and ambition. The hippie movement started to form after President Kennedy’s assassination and became even more apparent because of the surfacing of mind-altering drugs and new king of music. This changes a part of the United States culture because the hippies no longer followed everyone else’s beliefs; they created their own counterculture that revolved around free love, peace, drugs, and music. They were the anti-establishment, mad by the Vietnam War, so they protested for peace. They were a nonviolent group, but to rebel and feel freedom and a new experience they turned to drugs and music. They believed in expanding their sexual relations, encouraging sex and throwing all taboos out the window. They encouraged nudity, going against the old Puritan values of modesty and finding the beauty in the human body. Hippies also wanted healthier, more organic food to eat, instead of the manufactured food that many Americans enjoyed. The hippie movement was all about trying new things, exploring new ideas, and rebelling against society. They wanted out of the norm. So much change was helped achieve by the hippies. They would help protest not just with their voices but with their appearance, and by doing what the society did not want them to