Well many people say cheerleading is for girls, but a little fun fact, cheerleading was started by boys and girls could not cheer for a long time. So cheerleading is not at all just for girls. Plus boys can do stunts too, and boys are called a yell leader. Even though most groups are made up with just girls there's still so many men who participate each year. In the University of Pittsburgh they had 7 male cheerleaders out of thirty-six people around 2016-2017. Two of the members are ROTC and most of the teams have at least one guys, and no, not all the guys are gay. Another myth is that people say that Pom Poms are called Pom Poms. No, cheerleaders do NOT call them Pom Pom’s. Cheerleaders call them just Poms.Whoever made the myth or says that they are two words is wrong, they are just one word plural. One more myth is, Cheerleaders are not Athletic. This is another thing that nobody knows who came up with it. Cheerleaders workout just as much or even more than other athletes in