The Black Panther Party: Freedom Fighters Charlotte Odusanya

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The Black Panther Party: Freedom Fighters Charlotte Odusanya

Most people think that The Black Panthers were a terrorist group who embraced violence. But that’s not what they were about. The Black Panther Party, which was established in Oakland, California On October 15th 1966 was a revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization. The creators of the BBP were Huey Newton (1942 to 1989) and Bobby Seale (1937-. They created the Black Panther Party to realize their vision. They had a vision of freedom for they’re people. Malcolm X was the inspiration for this group; he said that violence should be applied by any means necessary. Malcolm had argued Martin Luther King's tactics on non-violence was not a “viable option
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Although not having school just made black people desire it even more. After the emancipation proclamation black children did get schooled. But it was severely poorly funded. The Constitutional law stated that everyone was “separate but equal” but while white children got clean, fancy schools with playgrounds and state of the art school materials, black children got the hand me downs. Black people were furious at the fact that the law was breaking its own law. The Black Panthers stated that they want “education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society.” ( The Ten Point Program). The Black Panther Party also wanted an education that would teach true history and their role in the present-day society. What they wanted to show with that statement is how terrible black people were treated and show in the future that, that was a very low point in time in the United States. Education was a very controversial subject back then. The Brown v. Board of education was a Supreme Court Case that tried to desegregate public schools. Eventually The Supreme Court found it to be unconstitutional to segregate public schools. That was a very important time in black people's history because it’s what brought black and white people together today and showed that you black power has an effect on the …show more content…
By that time the Civil Rights Movement ended and black people got what they deserved. Freedom. They had the freedom to vote, the education was stable, they were free to do whatever profession they wanted. But most of all they had the freedom to be who they were and know that they were safe. Thanks to groups like The Black Panther Party and all black organizations like the NAACP and CORE we are now able to live in a world where we can look back and see how much improvement we’ve made. It takes a lot of strength to stand up for what you believe in knowing that it could take a turn on you any second. The Black Panther Party showed a lot of courage and strength. Black people were the definition of