The Black-White Test Score Gap Analysis

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Pages: 3

Race has also impacted America through the economy by the jobs, taxes/wages and the housing in communities. Another way race has impacted America is through the education system.

The education system has been in America for decades and race has played a role in how education impact America. Standardize testing in America is considered bias due to the prejudice acts on certain races. In the article Civil Right, Discrimination, and Standardize Testing it states "African Americans, especially boys, are disproportionately placed or misplaced in special education, frequently based on test results. These programs often fail to fully educate them"( Woestehoff, 1). This shows that in some test in the fields of education purposely fails educated
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The SAT test is one of the major test that is racially bias to races of one kind. Race has been affecting the way the educational system works. In the history of education many races could not be able to receive the proper education because of a certain race and the gender of a human being. In the article The Black-White Test Score Gap it says "A generation ago many egalitarians argued that using the SAT to screen applicants for selective colleges was unfair to blacks because tests of this kind underestimated black applicants' academic potential. For most colleges, academic potential means undergraduate grades. Almost all colleges have found that when they compare black and white undergraduates who enter with the same SAT scores, blacks earn lower grades than whites, not just in their first year but throughout their college careers"( Jencks, 1). Race has impacted America through education between standardized testing and the privilege education that any Race can receive throughout America. The SAT test is not the only test that is considered bias because of race, the other two major test that Americans have to use in order for people to get a certain level of education the privilege education they are the IQ …show more content…
Wealth plays a part in getting the education you need. When the words privilege education is wrote it means the education you have a choice to get like for instance college. In the article Report: Higher Education Creates 'White Racial Privilege' it states "The report also says the country's higher education system does not treat students equally, regardless of their qualifications. Although many minorities are unprepared for college, whites who are just as unprepared are still presented with more opportunities and more likely to receive a bachelor's degree, the report says"(Bidwell, 1). The fight for equality still existed in race and how race impacted America. Many races can not get into a wealthy college due the opportunities that is presented to them certain races. In the same article Report: Higher Education Creates White Racial Privilege it states "...More whites end up in more elite schools, the system disproportionately tracks many qualified minorities on "'educational pathways that don't allow them to fulfill their educational and career potential,'" the report says"( Bidwell, 2). Race has impacted America in the way that America is what you call a separate/segregated