The blood brain barrier is a diffusion barrier has a very complex structure, describes the unique properties of the microvasculature of the central nervous system (CNS). Transportation of biomolecules or other molecules across the blood–brain barrier may be passive or active. It formed by basic high-density cellular elements of the brain microvasculature compose the …show more content…
They are responsible in restricting properties which selectively excludes most blood-borne substances …show more content…
So Pathological conditions associated with the central nervous system may alter blood–brain barrier function. Finally, this review describes the pathogenesis of increased BBB permeability in hypoxia-ischemia and inflammatory mechanisms involving the BBB in septic encephalopathy, HIV-induced dementia, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer disease.
Molecular targets of BBB: - Transcytosis is one of the major receptor or macromolecule for accessing transcellular transport within CNS. It is the major transport mechanism through which most of the proteins reach Golgi apparatus or the plasma membrane. Transcytosis stored in the vesicles which targeted toward liposomes and secretory granules appear to be coated with clathrin.
Another receptor, transferrin an iron binding protein, after iron delivery for plasma it plays an integral role in mechanism that may introduce antibodies therapies to the CNS. These macromolecules targeting at the blood brain barrier which improves the uptake of immunoliposomes and transport into brain plasma. Specific transferring receptor antibody (OX26) directed transferring uptake across