The Campaign Essay

Submitted By aaaaaasy
Words: 331
Pages: 2

The Campaign
Shear, Michael. “$53 Million Raised in March by Obama and Democratic Party.” The New York Times. 16 April 2012. Web. 16 April 2012, from: In this article, it reports OFA Campaign Manager, Jim Messina, announced President Obama and his Democratic Party raised $53 million in March for the campaign. In fall, his rival Mitt Romney claimed they planned to raise as much as $600 million for the race against him. Thus, Obama stepped up his pace to raise fund for the campaign. The article mentioned Romney will begin holding joint fund-raisers, giving donors a one-stop shop for contributing to the campaign. And both campaigns started to brag the small amount of fund they raised. Even both campaigns will be competing with “super PACs” to gain big contributions to win. Obama’s campaign manager said confidently: “People building this organization five or ten bucks at a time to take on Mitt Romney.” However, compare to Obama’s fund-raise $45 million in February, it increases to $53 million now. This related to our textbook chapter 8 and 9 elections, campaigns, because it deals with how’s going with political parties raise their fund for campaigns. The article involves many different Political Action Committees, such as Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee. They are groups that collect money from individuals and makes donations to political