“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” ― Jane Jacobs
Buildings. People. Loud. Cars. These terms are commonly used to describe cities. However, these are only generalised descriptions of what we see and hear. Terms such as warmth, community, excitement are also displayed but are often overlooked as they do not seem important as the others or not as obvious when you first interact with the city.
Referring back to the quote above, Jacobs states that cities are a combination of not only one but many factors. Cities have been created by the majority of people for the people, elements from everybody’s live have accumulated in a city and this final product is or has become, in some sense, our collective identity.
The main theme is “The City”, from this I have chosen the aspect of “Layers”. To me; a city, like other things, have layers. These build up from time to time and they tend to replace what was once in the past with something new and exciting. Depth and personality are created as time passes, the city is constantly upgrading itself to suit the demands of the population. These changes however, are not previously set and may even be spontaneous. It could even be the same! And, or with a different perspective.
To represent the passing of time and the layers that change over this period I have decided to print my photographs on acetate paper. As acetate paper is transparent and gives the image a soft texture when printed. It is ideal to recreate the feeling of slight uncertainty, as it is not clear about what sort or type of changes will be happening over the time frame. By combining the actual clear and firm photos, printed on the booklet, with a layer of disoriented acetate printed photographs, it can create a sense of confusion as two photographs clash. However as you turn the pages in the booklet, or flip the acetate photos over, you can still create a division between the recent past and the soon to-be present.
I also decided to start the booklet off with something that was visually quite low, something that is seen as the lowest layer of the city— the gutters. Gradually, as you flip through the layers of the city, the height of the objects/places become