The Controversy Of Overcoming Adversity

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There is great controversy over life and its obstacles; some believe in fate, or that which is pre-destined, while others believe that we guide our own lives. Despite your perception one fact remains constant and that is the fact that every life is guaranteed its share of adversity; it comes in many forms and helps us develop our strengths and find our true self. Yet like everything else in life, the challenge of overcoming adversity starts with your perspective and your attitude which I believe is summarized quite nicely in this quote from Captain Jack Sparrow, “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” I believe that Arthur Golden was correct in his assertion that adversity peels away all the facades and theatrics we put up to reveal our true self. I …show more content…
I have heard many testimonies from the elder members of my church about how their struggles led them to a closer relationship with God, but the one that has always touched me the most was one a middle-aged couple testified. Their tale was one of how losing their precious baby girl brought them closer to God, the grief ripped them of all the facades they put on to make everything seem as if it were going smoothly and left only the inner shell that revealed their sorrows. Another example is the struggle I went through after losing my grandma, which most don’t understand how this can be such a great source of adversity for me since we all have lost someone we love in life. Yet my grandma was more than my grandma she was also my best friend and my mentor; I lost all of the figures that keep a kindergartener grounded and stable. I essentially lost the only person who had time to console me during that period of my life which left me to deal with my grief by myself. I