The Creature Short Story

Words: 553
Pages: 3

The Creature Upstairs
I was walking through the hallway on a Saturday October night. I heard dripping sounds coming from the room upstairs. I walked upstairs and into the room and felt a presence. I felt it coming closer. In the blink of an eye the creature was right in front of me. I looked at its lifeless black eyes, and felt its hot breath in my face.
I’ve been having weird vision this whole week about the creature in the room upstairs, or at least I think they’re visions. It especially happens in the middle of the night, I can never get the details right but every time I think about it I get a shiver up my spine. I asked my parents, brother, sister if they ever hear dripping sounds in the middle of the night coming from the room upstairs.
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“Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop.” There it is again that same noise. I walk downstairs and see a note on the table; I grab it and read it out loud. “Won’t be home for the whole day, coming back tomorrow morning.” I let out a huge sigh and walked slowly up stairs and the lights start to flicker…. My heart stops it was so dark I could barely see. All the lights were off except the room upstairs… My heart was pacing harder and harder. I could barely see I squinted my eyes and their it was the creature that I’ve imagined I turned around to see if it was there and it was gone. I got closer to the room. “Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop.” The noises got stronger and louder. “Screech.” The door opened. I took a step, and felt a very evil presence in the room, but this time it was telling me to run. Just the word Run sent a shiver up my spine but the way the creature said it was demonic. I heard scratches on the wall, his tail slithering on the floor I didn’t know what he was he was a mixture of a like an iguana and a werewolf. My body was completely frozen I couldn’t move, my brain was sending a signal to my body to move. I just couldn’t. It got closer, and wrapped itself around me, and put its reptile like nails on my neck. I was a frozen statue. I wanted to move but my body wasn’t willing to. It was quiet, too quiet. There was no sound, until suddenly I heard a noise.”Ssssss.” he started slithering and grabbing my face scratching my face with his