The Crucible: A Classic Tragedy

Words: 435
Pages: 2

The crucible is a structure of a classic tragedy and John Proctor as the tragic hero but he has a flaw and a secret. His lust and affection towards Abigail lead to his affair with Elizabeth. This led to Abigail’s jealousy toward his wife. Once trials begin Proctor figures that he can’t stop Abigail running crazy in Salem only if he confesses to adultery. If he were to ever do that it would ruin the good of his name. Later in the story he attempts to confess through Mary Warren’s testimony to show how Abigail is a fake without revealing any information.

When attempting all of this and he fails horribly and he shouts out a confession and called Abigail a “whore” and admits his guilt publicly. Then he realizes that its too late and everything