The Dangers Of Immortality In Homer's Odyssey

Words: 347
Pages: 2

In the epic, The Odyssey, Homer warns of the dangers of immortality. When Calypso offers Odysseus eternal life, he rejects her offer, saying, ”what use is courage than” (Evslin 113). In society today, immortality is exploring the possibility of a greatly expanded, healthy lifespan. Scientists have not found a way to make immortality possible yet, however, research is happening. Furthermore, humans should not pursue being immortal due to the abundance of problems, but extending human life would be a better, more feasible option.

The question of being immortal has come to an end.
The human race "will overpopulate and will run out of resources" (Cynthia Kenyon TED Talk). If we were immortal all of these things will happen, and as a result,