According to the article Hospice/Palliative Care has expanded in the community and has now been incorporate in the health care system all over the United States. From personal experience a close friend of mine had a grandparent who was placed in a Hospice home and was there for approximately five days. At this location her grandparent received medications that were strictly given to keep her grandparent comfortable. The family was able to visit around the clock and the 24 hour care by the registered nurses was like nothing I had ever witnessed. I at first hand had experienced this service and was very happy and pleased with the level of care and respect that was given to the dying patient and their families. The material in this article relates to the class because it discusses end of life and the transition of what this may look like to an individual and their families. The article also embraces and educates its readers about the great services that exists that help terminally ill person’s transition naturally and peacefully into their last stage of life. I believe that this topic really correlates to this course because it helps not only the individual but the extended family accept the reality which is also part of the aging process. When people think of aging process, they think of youth, beauty and