To modify ones reality, one does drugs. These drug abusers look at what is around them differently for however long the trip lasts. Drugs are illegal for a reason. With drug resources being limited by the law, addicts are turning to prescription drugs or street drugs. Street drugs, unfortunately, are not always of high-grade quality. Physicians and psychiatrists prescribe psychoactive drugs to individuals every day for those who actually do need them. Prescription drugs could range from anti-depressants, to pain relievers, tranquilizers, sedatives and even stimulants. These drugs can easily get into the wrong hands. The popularity of prescribed drugs tends to spread more than ever and that is the harm. By sharing these drugs or selling them, people are now buying drugs that are not good for them. These drugs were meant merely to correct and treat certain symptoms. One does not know the correct dosage or side effects that result from ingesting non-prescribed dose. Also, not knowing how much to take or how the drug will affect them physically and psychologically only results in bad outcomes. “Recently, there has been a growing regarding prescription drugs given their potential misuse, particularly among young adults” (Thom, 2013, p. 235). In conclusion there are many studies that have proven that the misusage of drugs leads to no positive outcome.
As of today, 20 plus states have made medical marijuana legal. “There is no existing evidence of anyone dying of a marijuana overdose, but this doesn’t preclude the possibility of experiencing adverse or unpleasant effects when it is consumed in large amounts” (Bonander, 2012, p. 1-2). Marijuana does treat symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. These symptoms could be a result from a variety of different illnesses; people overcoming back issues, car accidents, and other