The EOWPVT-2 Naming Vocabulary

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Pages: 5

When administering tests to evaluate language abilities, some tests that Miller (2013) mentioned would be considered for evaluating vocabulary include: Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (CREVT-2-Expressive Vocabulary), Differential Ability Scales (DAS-II- Naming Vocabulary), DAS-II-Word Definitions, Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests (EOWPVT-4) and Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY-II-Expressive Vocabulary). The CREVT-2 shows the ability to define a word that is spoken to the child. The test DAS-II Naming Vocabulary tests a child’s ability to name a picture. DAS-II-Word Definitions tests a child’s ability to explain the meaning or a word given. The EOWPVT-4 tests a child’s ability to name objects, actions, or concepts …show more content…
Children that do benefit from these interventions will show improvement in their ability to understand and verbally express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Other people will be able to understand what they are trying to say. Children who improve language skills will be more effective in their school achievement and social interactions with others. Social interactions can help build self-efficacy in children who had low self-esteem. Children will have more confidence in their verbal abilities and therefore, their speech will become more fluent. There are many positive outcomes for children that have a successful intervention. However, children who’s condition is more severe, such as a mental disability and/ or autism, will have a greater difficulty during interventions. Acquiring an intelligible vocal speech is the most desirable choice for parents and practitioners when it comes to the child. However, not all children will benefit from speech-language therapy or other interventions, therefore, other communication systems need to be considered that will benefit the