The Emperor's New Indians Summary

Words: 359
Pages: 2

When someone thinks of a mother, they are determined to think empathetic, unconditional love, and intelligent. My mother was a representative of these and several others. Chicha from “The Emperor’s New Groove” is an example of my mother. In “The Emperor’s New Groove” Chicha was known as “no nonsense” altitude and is shown as a mother figure for Chaca and Tipo. Chicha is a wise and loving mother that helps assist her family with any problem. As a mother, she does the usual work of a housewife with Tipo and Chaca. By pleasing her and Pacha’s children, Tipo requests Chicha to measure his height so she measures the raised hair to make him seem taller. She is also valuable and finds the work that needs to be done. While she was upset, she was washing