The Final Solution: The Horrors Of The Holocaust

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The Jewish people not arrested or killed were responsible for cleaning the aftermath of the Kristallnacht (Berenbaum). The next step of the “Final Solution” was to force tens of thousands of Polish Jews into ghettos. The Jewish people that were forced into these ghettos had to leave their belongings behind and the Nazis sent it to ethnic Germans. The ghettos had high, barbed wire walls, and they were governed by Jewish councils. Ghettos were filled with poverty, unemployment, hunger, and disease, like typhus ( Most people put in these Ghettos were killed. Jews tried to hide from the Nazis, but the German citizens began to tell the Nazis of their hiding places (The Holocaust). In Poland, the Nazis kidnapped children and raised them …show more content…
They were also called mobile killing units (The Holocaust). The Einsatzgruppen would take people to the outskirts of their town, and kill them, normally family by family. They killed more than one million people. After the Einsatzgruppen were finished, special units took the dead bodies the Einsatzgruppen had murdered and burned them to limit the amount of evidence that would be used against them in court (Berenbaum). After the Einsatzgruppen and the ghettos were the deadly concentration camps. These camps were formed in 1933 and lasted until 1945. Concentration camps were first used as places to kill the enemies of Nazi Germany during World War II (Concentration Camps). Then the Jewish were sent to concentration camps for experiments with mass killing methods.Experiments done at these camps often used the pesticide Zyklon-B. The first ones taken to these camps were the sick, elderly, weak, and very young ( In Auschwitz, Germany, the concentration camp was three camps in one. It was an extermination camp, a prison, and a labour camp. At this camp prisoners faced Selektion. Selektion was a German doctor examining and deciding which type of camp you would be sent …show more content…
Other laborers worked in stone quarries, coal mines, and construction projects, such as expanding the camp itself (Concentration Camps). The prisoners in these concentration camps were maltreated and brutalized. The had no medical care and not enough food. Prisoners wore wooden shoes and pajama-type uniforms with their heads shaved (The Holocaust). Twelve thousand Jews were killed every day. The Euthanasia program was a special program that specifically targeted people who were mentally ill and disabled by killing them with gas ( This program was also called the T4 program (Berenbaum).. By 1945, two hundred seventy-five thousand people were killed by the Euthanasia program. More concentration camps were made at Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Majdanek ( In 1939, an all-female camp was made in Ravensbrück. There were many people needed to run concentration camps. A few examples are train conductors, secretaries, guards, and cooks (t. To guard concentration camps, special units were created (The Holocaust). These groups were called “SS Guard Units” or “SS Death’s Head Units.” All SS units were required to wear the Death’s Head symbol, a skull and crossbones, on their