The First Amendment, Peaceful Assemblies, And Angry Mobs

Words: 545
Pages: 3

One of the biggest problems in the world right now is angry mobs and peaceful assemblies, but many do not know the true meaning of each. The First Amendment states that any American citizen can assemble peacefully, so there has been many gathering of people to get what the right that they want. The First Amendment, Peaceful Assemblies, and Angry Mobs are three key cases that are major problems in today’s society. The First Amendment allows any civilian of the United States of America to peacefully assemble.To further explain, this mean that anyone is allowed to make a group and protest with no anger about any ingenious idea that they have. There have been many popular peaceful protests such as the Women’s March every year and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, but citizens have taken it out of hand. There has also been violation of rules by people protesting with anger and hatred. Some favored examples of angry petitioning is the Blacks lives matter versus Cops lives matter or the LA riots of 1992. The discern between the two shows as these protests are put to the streets, and many angry mobs think that they are doing the right thing. All in all, the First Amendment is impressive and is …show more content…
Although you are not allowed to start a riot with aggression, many people take this very seriously. One of the most wide known peaceful objections is the Women’s march. Ever since the women of America won their rights over, they decided to march for accomplishment and achievement. 200,000 people marched on January 21, 2017, and the women who mobilize and march together want the government and the world to know about the privilege of parading and the rights that they are still struggling with today. It was happening all around the world, but the largest march was in Washington D.C. Overall, many people have shown what they believe in by peacefully